CATEGORY: Stripe ▸ Alternatives

Stripe Sigma Alternative - Save 95%, use your native SQL tooling

Stripe Sigma is a web based SQL GUI provided by Stripe.

Sigma features:

  • Managed SQL database - no need to manage infrastructure.
  • Scalable - works for all account sizes.
  • Save and export result sets.
    • You can save a SQL query and download the result set as JSON via the HTTP API.

Issues with Sigma:

  • It is expensive for a simple SQL interface.
  • The SQL dialect and server are custom, which means you cannot re-use your existing SQL tooling and developer skill set.
  • You cannot easily join with your business data.
  • It is only updated once per day.

tdog is a CLI tool that downloads your Stripe account to your existing SQL database.

A detailed comparison grid can be found on the homepage